Sunday, April 26, 2009

Going Green Spiritually

By Daniel Berry, University of Kentuck Campus Minister

Romans 12:9-10 states, “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.” (NIV)

It’s the word “sincere” that I’ve been thinking about lately. Does the church resemble sincerity? Does my BCM? Does my personal ministry? As I’ve been on campus the last 10 years or so, I’ve come to realize that this is not only one of the main stumbling blocks for non-Christians, but also for those involved in the ministries for which I’ve been involved. I’m guessing it may be an issue in most of your ministries as well.

The Greek word for sincerity, was originally an acting term meaning to take off one’s mask. The challenge of the author is for us not to live our lives with any pretense or insincerity, but rather to live our lives as genuine followers of Christ. For our ministries to become one of authenticity we need our leaders to be real. We need our ministries to be a place where everything and anything can be discussed so that we can, “…be devoted to one another in brotherly love.”(vs. 10). We need to teach ourselves and our leadership to be vulnerable and real with the people they are leading, because if they are not real, than the rest of the students will not be either. We need to practice going green spiritually.

What does going green spiritually look like?

It means Recycling our Garbage. Do you know the past of your students? What difficulties have they overcome? Have they overcome sexual abuse? Rape? Alcohol or porn addiction? What are the struggles they have walked through that have helped to shape their faith and who they are today?

We are taught from the age of little children to bury these struggles, in a spiritual landfill if you will, and not to divulge these dark secrets to anyone. Don’t let anyone find out that these things were a part of our lives. The problem is these things are a part of our lives. These are the things that helped to shape you and your students’ lives. Doesn’t it make since rather than burying them in the deepest cavern of your soul to allow God to recycle the obstacles of our lives for the benefit of others?

It Means Being Vulnerable. As a leader our inclination is not to share our weaknesses. We want our students to see us as strong and capable. Your student leaders feel the same way. Yet, if we are not vulnerable to our students regarding our past and our struggles, are we not enabling the idea of a holier-than-thou Christian lie that no one can live up too? We all have garbage in our lives. We all need to be taught what to do with it.

Recycling Means You’re Through With It. Let me be clear, I’m not advocating us going to our students and calling for an open confession of sins. Accountability is another subject. Rather, recycling our spiritual journey means that through the power and grace of God I have control over a situation in the past that once had control over me. Now I’m ready to help others overcome this struggle.

Recycling Takes Work. It is easier for me to throw away my trash than to recycle it. It is much easier to run a ministry that doesn’t try to tackle this principle. Sometimes it can be down right messy.

Why recycle? It makes for a healthier environment. When your leaders begin to grasp the fact that their personal story can help others they begin to see how God can use their lives. They begin to understand that they don’t have to go to seminary or be raised in a minister’s family to be a leader. They begin to see a personal ministry that they never knew existed. They become real which will help your ministry be more approachable, more applicable to your community, and more representative of the genuine body of Christ.

How do I Begin? My family and I began to recycle one day when my wife made her first conscience decision not to throw away a bottle. She began to recycle. Over the next few months she began to discipline herself to do more. Before long, she had me recycling. It really is that simple.

How to get your leadership understanding this principle will be different in each situation, but one thing I promise is that it has to begin with you. As you begin to discipline yourself to grow in this area you’ll begin to see walls come down. Sometimes you will find out more than you want to know, and you may have a few messes to pick up ,still your ministry may soon become more sincere and a healthier place for all. Isn’t that what recycling is all about?