Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Here are some of the responses to the question of "What blogs do you follow?"



http://youthleaderstash.com/ - sure it is written by youth minister, but there are great games, images, and such. Also, this guy will make promo images and such for you if you email him your game, preaching series, etc... That is really nice.

http://obscurestore.typepad.com/ - it is a collection of random news stories, which can be great for illustrations and discussion starters.

http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/tgc/ is a great collection of blogs on theological issues and reviews of books

Collegeministrythoughts.com (church-based)



Rick Warren

BradBaker (Saddleback’s College Minister)

Tony Morgan

Pete Wilson

Michael Hyatt

Brad Lomenick

Seth Godin

here to lead

Scott Williams

Ron Edmondson

Catalyst Leader



The Changing Face of College Ministry

Baptist Collegiate Ministers in Alaska and Indiana have recently learned that their jobs as now funded will end at the end of this year. This is due to the change in funding thru the North American Mission Board and different states sorting out their priorities with changes in funding. These are some of the most effective college ministers in America. What does this mean for all of us?

First, pray for and encourage these folks as they decide what is next for them. Some feel their call from the Lord has not changed and that raising their own salaries and staying put seems the next option. Others are considering going bi-vocational because the need on their campus has not gone away. Some places the emphasis now will be more college church plants. In some campus settings churches are starting their own church plant where there is already a strong on campus BCM Ministry. Let's commit to pray for and encourage these who are in the midst of deciding what is next for them and how to honor God's call on their life.

Second, in your own ministry, do not assume everyone knows the need and sees the effectiveness of what you are doing. Look for better ways to tell your story and to show the need on your campus. Don't take your funding for granted.

As summer approaches here are some different things you might considering doing which helps churches and individuals see the need for and the blessing of your ministry. Also, here are some thoughts that just might help you continue to grow your ministry.

-Take a week and visit pastors/church staff in your area with no agenda or requests...just continue and develop communication.

-Write a personal note to every church or individual that supports your ministry financially.

-Visit the 5 largest youth ministries in your area for connection to future students on your campus.

-Invite some freshmen to be on a Freshmen Leadership Team to grow in Christ and contact/enlist fellow freshmen.

-Consider taking a mission team to one of these campuses whose ministry is being affected.

-Consider making part of next year's mission goal some money for the ministry of one of the campuses experiencing major changes.

-See if there is a way to partner with a church to take a group to Glorieta to gain a greater vision of what might happen on your campus or in your church.

Arliss Dickerson
Leadership Contract Worker, Arkansas State University, adickerson@absc.org