One of the things that we can model as leaders is that we continue to learn. I have always been impressed with college ministers' continual desire to grow and learn how to do it better. I am indebted to many from whom I have learned along the way. When I first started out, I remember chasing "a famous BSU Director" around a table at the morning break at Glorieta firing questions at him. He was gracious and took time for me.
Who are the "famous college ministers" that we can learn from? I believe that is YOU! All of us have something we know or do that would benefit others. Recently someone sent me an article about college ministry with some ideas I felt just did not hold up at least in my experience. I had never heard of the person who had written it. I asked why it was being widely circulated and the answer was, "it's on a blog." By the way, when I sent a message to the author with my own thoughts, he was gracious and responded that he had never thought about the points I raised.
As I began to think about that experience and talking with some folks in college ministry who are "experts" to encourage them to begin blogging. If all the good stuff is on blogs, we got to get more good folks blogging. In order to not be too hypocrytical, I took a dose of my own medicine and began blogging. If you are interested, I post some different thoughts and articles on college ministry at my blog which is www.arlissdickerson.blogspot.
What about you? What could you post on a blog that would benefit someone else? There is an area in which you are an expert....maybe it might be "Top 10 Ideas that Don't Work".....just kidding! Let's get out there...let's put our thoughts out there...let's help others! Let's be part of the conversation. I look forward to reading your thoughts.
Arliss Dickerson
Leadership Contract Worker
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