Thursday, January 26, 2012

Leadership: Mentoring, Info for Your Growth and Prayer Reminder

There are lots of excellent and lengthy explanations about how and why mentor others. Spring semester is always a time to build deeper into some students' lives and to prepare some for a future leadership role. So, here are "Arliss' Over-simple Rules for Mentoring".
1. Seek out students with potential.
2. Set a regular time to meet....with some degree of privacy.
3. Talk personal issues...what's going on with them...big issues....little issues...just them stuff.
4. Talk leadership...why do people follow some people...whose the best leader you know/worst.....why?
5. Talk faith questions...what do you wonder about....where are you....what troubles you?
6. Affirm them ability wise and personally. Everybody needs to know they got something to offer.
7. Be honest with them...sometimes fun and pleasant...sometimes hard! But, you aren't mentoring, if you aren't honest!
8. Help them evaluate and learn from past and present leadership situations.
-The deadline for early/cheaper registration is January 31.
-SPOUSE RATE: $35 This pays for their conference fee as well as the Wednesday night dinner and Thursday lunch. There will be an Affinity group for spouses and there will be some Mega Seminars and Idea Labs that would relate to family.
PRAY---Many of our collegiate ministry family lost their salary funding as of December 31 and are in the process of raising salaries to stay where God has planted them while some are moving to different campuses.
REMEMBER, I do a Collegiate Ministry blog at

Arliss Dickerson, Leadership Contract Worker

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